


Advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) and autonomous technologies are providing cars with sensing capabilities that exceed human abilities, such as identifying unseen objects and triggering automatic emergency braking (AEB) potentially faster than a human driver can. These capabilities depend on perception systems made up of cameras, radar and lidar that capture and track important environmental data around the vehicle.

雷达的感知能力超过人类的视觉能力. 它可以感知距离和速度, 而且它可以在雨中做到这一点, 雪和雾, 在这种条件下,人眼, 摄像头和激光雷达的限制要大得多. However, traditional radar is based on analog technology and has systemic weaknesses with regard to image resolution and signal interference. 美光的客户under相信它的数字雷达, 哪些解决了这些缺点, 下一代ADAS和自动驾驶未来的答案是什么. 与领先的一级汽车技术公司合作, Uhnder has developed the world’s first commercially available automotive digital radar scheduled to 2022年在公路上首次亮相.


据称,它是第一家提供这种服务的公司 数字汽车成像雷达芯片 (RoC). It uses digital code modulation (DCM) instead of the analog frequency modulated continuous wave (FMCW) architecture traditionally used in automotive radar. According to the company, this breakthrough architecture enables up to 16 times 更好的角度分辨率 比模拟雷达. In a DCM architecture, every transmitter is identified by one of a quintillion (1018)唯一的代码,以尽量减少干扰, and the high-contrast resolution (HCR) allows digital radar to better distinguish between objects located next to one another.

“To improve the capability and reliability of ADAS in current cars, as well as overcome the challenges to advance to fully automated driving (L4/L5), automotive radar systems need to provide a much higher resolution in azimuth and elevation, 以及更好的准确性和辨别力,” notes 麦克斯·利伯曼,芯片副总裁. “用数字雷达, we can identify a pedestrian crossing the road after a turn at an intersection, 一个小孩从停着的汽车后面过马路, 在隧道入口处或桥下抛锚的汽车, 以及在汽车或护栏旁骑自行车的人. 模拟雷达无法准确可靠地做到这一点.”

随着分辨率和帧率的增加, so does the amount of data that must be processed and acted on in near real time. These actions require performant processing engines supported by high-bandwidth memory solutions.

由首席技术官兼联合创始人柯蒂斯·戴维斯领导 says, “The data generated is up to 32 GB/s, basically like a Blu-ray 每一秒. The amount of data that needs to be transferred and pulled back into the chip is enormous.” Equally staggering is the amount of data six digital radars can generate — 20 petabytes a day per Uhnder’s estimates.

Micron memory and storage can address new technologies like digital radar

而较低级别的ADAS则需要高性能内存, more advanced levels — including integrating digital radar — demand even greater performance. Taking radar from 24 GHz up to between 76 and 81 GHz and from analog to digital drives system requirements through the roof. 与其他智能边缘传感应用一致, the need for a rapid answer requires that data be processed directly at the radar sensor before it is sent to other systems.

“Memory bandwidth drives performance, resolution and accuracy for radar,” Davis explains. “Micron's memory technology and solutions provide the bandwidth needed to deliver our high-resolution digital radar perception sensors for next-generation mobility applications.”

Davis estimates that Uhnder’s next-generation radar will require even more bandwidth. Micron’s automotive-grade LPDDR5X delivers the requisite bandwidth needed to fuel the next generation of digital radar systems. 除了, Micron’s automotive LPDDR5X is fully JEDEC-compliant and auto-qualified (AEC-Q100, IATF 16949生产部件批准过程[PPAP]支持).

“在微米, we have a leading portfolio of automotive-qualified memory and storage solutions,克里斯·雅各布斯说, 美光嵌入式事业部营销副总裁. “These products are ideally suited for Uhnder’s digital radar solutions and other safety-critical ADAS applications.”

As automotive data proliferates as a result of advances like digital radar, the in-vehicle memory and storage infrastructure is all the more critical. 因为内存是其系统的关键组成部分之一, Uhnder chose a cutting-edge technology and proven partner to fuel its innovation.

30年来, Micron has been a leader in delivering the automotive memory and storage solutions that are facilitating technical innovations and transformations across the industry. Micron’s continuous investment in automotive solutions and comprehensive automotive portfolio solidify the company’s role as a trusted advisor across the entire global ecosystem — now and for the next 30 years.

欲了解更多沙巴体育安卓版下载under的数字雷达,请访问 uhnder.com.

Visit vrps.net/automotive for more on Micron’s leading automotive memory and storage solutions.
